The role of product photography in online sales

The role of product photography in online sales
No one needs to be convinced of the power of the marketing potential of the World Wide Web. Selling products via the Internet is very profitable, as a very wide range of potential customers can be reached via the web, even those living abroad. This gives a really good opportunity to entrepreneurs who are not afraid of new trends and are able to meet the constantly changing and growing expectations of consumers. Professional product photography plays an extremely important role in online shops.
Advertising photography - skilfully executed has great drawing power
To understand the importance of attractive product images, it is enough to imagine two situations. The first is that a potential customer arrives at the website of a shop offering the products they are interested in. However, the images of the goods are blurred, the descriptions do not match what is shown in the photographs and the overall perception is not very pleasant. The second situation is that when a customer visits the site, he or she is greeted at the entrance by beautiful photos and an attractive design that is adapted to the nature of the shop. The photos are very detailed, there are many of them and they present the product from many perspectives. It is probably not difficult to imagine which shop will gain a new customer. If we are willing to spend money, we are more likely to make a transaction in a shop that inspires more confidence. And a shop that inspires more confidence is one that demonstrates an effort to meet customer needs and a professional approach. It is important to remember that preparing an interesting, but above all truthful, offer is a sign of respect and commitment on the part of the shop owners. Catalogue photos taken by an experienced photographer will certainly help to build a consistent, professional image online.
Online fashion and footwear shops
Online clothing and footwear shops are currently experiencing a boom. This is not only due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced many people to give up traditional shopping in stationary shops and move online in search of interesting items. The reason for the growing popularity of this sales model is also that for many people it is a much more comfortable, secure and time- and money-saving way of shopping. Until recently, it was almost unthinkable that shoes and clothes could be bought online. What do you mean, without measuring? And what do you do if your trousers are too big, or if your shoes squeeze you? Now it's not a problem. Online shops have long since gone out of their way to meet customers' expectations and needs in this regard and in many cases provide free returns and exchanges. In addition to this, clothing photography, shoe photos and other types of catalogue photos presenting clothes and accessories are now of such a high standard that the customer feels as if he or she is seeing the product with their own eyes. Each item in the photograph can be zoomed in on by looking at the details and taking in other detailed information. You can also get a rough idea of how the item looks on the silhouette. Helpful here are the spirit photos, which, if professionally taken, prove invaluable when it comes to attracting customer interest. Short videos showing a model walking around in clothes or shoes also make a very good impression. This is another way to create the illusion of traditional shopping and personal contact with things. In an increasing number of shops, it has also become standard to present products using 360° images.
Culinary photography and online sales
The coronavirus pandemic has contributed to a huge increase in the popularity of online grocery shops. Fearing for their own health and the safety of their loved ones, quite a few people avoided going to large supermarkets and opted to order food and drink for home delivery. Interest in creating a professional online grocery offer has skyrocketed, but in order to gain customer interest, it is necessary to prepare an attractive, easy-to-use and secure transaction service. Since we buy with our eyes, it is important that food photos are appetising, colourful and that they present the products in such a way that it is simply visually pleasing. Culinary photography has also become increasingly important in promoting the offer of restaurants, which during the lockdown could only offer takeaway food. Appetising, colourful and attractively arranged food photos work on the imagination like few other things. Here, too, it is worth trusting the experience and skills of professional photographers, who will not only ensure that the food is properly displayed through the selection of beautiful china, accessories and background details, but will also suggest what to do to create a consistent image of the restaurant and present itself at its best.