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What does the Polish E-commerce market look like in 2022?

What does the Polish E-commerce market look like in 2022?

Where some lose, others gain. This old truth is still relevant and holds true, among other things, in relation to the current economic situation in Poland. The coronavirus pandemic put an end to many businesses, but at the same time allowed those entrepreneurs who decided to do business online to spread their wings.

Record growths in the e-commerce industry

Already in 2020, which is when the coronavirus pandemic began, the e-commerce industry started to record very high growth rates. Globally, e-commerce levels were up as much as 28% year-on-year. Locked in their homes and forced to change their consumer habits, people shifted their shopping activity to the Internet. This trend continues, as epidemiological restrictions have not been completely lifted.

The figures speak for themselves. Reports compiled by PwC indicate that in 2020, the gross value of the e-commerce market in Poland was PLN 83 billion. As you can see, things are going better than well in e-commerce and it is not surprising that so many entrepreneurs, looking for new ways to grow or to stay in the market, decide to move their business online. In 2020, the number of online shops increased by an impressive 21%.

Which sectors are performing best?

Restrictions on stationary trade meant that couriers and delivery companies had more work than usual. They delivered and continue to deliver mainly food products (a lot of people, concerned about their health, decided to order basic foodstuffs for home delivery), but also cosmetics, hygiene products and clothes. The e-grocery sector gained popularity especially at the beginning of the pandemic, when fear and uncertainty were the dominant feelings among people in the world. Over time, many people returned to traditional grocery shopping, but many customers still use online ordering because this option saves a lot of time.

How to stand out among such strong competition?

Rather, e-commerce giants do not have to worry about attracting customers. However, owners of smaller shops and e-businesses who are just starting their adventure with online sales have to show a lot of determination and commitment in order to stand out and reach the widest possible audience with their offer.

One of the most reliable ways to build a professional online image is to take care of the visual side of the shop. Not only is it important to have well-crafted product photography, but also comprehensive, detailed and error-free product descriptions.    

Współzałożyciel. Specjalista ds. Marketingu i Reklamy
Ekonomista ze specjalizacją marketingu w biznesie oraz w handlu międzynarodowym. Współzałożyciel spółki Snapshot Studio. Na co dzień odpowiada za promocję i budowanie wizerunku firmy. W biznesie i w życiu kieruje się filozofią Kaizen. 

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