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Infographics and Photomontages on Amazon - or how to stand out from the competition!

Infographics and Photomontages on Amazon - or how to stand out from the competition!

Product photos on Amazon have to meet the conditions imposed by the service, and there are quite a few of them. Amazon's listing when it comes to photo content, however, was not created without reason. The publicity photos uploaded to the listings on this service have to be very professional, first and foremost to ensure that customers receive the highest possible level of service and that trust in the sellers posting their offers there is high.

Catalogue photos are not everything

Fotografia aranżowana amazon snapshot-studio katowice

While the MAIN IMAGE photo must be taken in a very specific manner (requirements imposed by the service include background colour, image size, colour mode and format), the advertiser has more freedom when it comes to the other photographs. In addition to the main photograph, the auction may include up to eight other photographs, including infographics, photomontages and close-up and zoomed-in photographs. Generally speaking, it can be said that all treatments aimed at presenting the most attractive features of a given product or service in an honest and factual manner should not be rejected by the website.

Why are infographics and photomontages an attractive method of product presentation?

Infografika zdjęcie techniczne Snapshot-studio katowice

Infographics, also known as technical images, are nothing more than a combination of visual elements and informative content. Using them as product or catalogue images on Amazon is an excellent way of presenting the most important qualities of the offered item in a condensed way. This form of content is attractive to potential buyers as it allows them to quickly familiarise themselves with the essential features of the item they are interested in, without having to delve into descriptions. At the same time, he can familiarise himself with the appearance and features of the product, thus saving time and feeling that he is being reliably served.

Visual presentation matters - bet on infographics and photomontages

Fotografia Amazon infografika Snapshot-studio Polska

Traditional shopping still has the advantage over online shopping that the customer has direct contact with the product. He or she can take it in hand, try it on, look at it from all sides, get to know its composition, scent, etc. etc. You can't get the same effect by offering online sales, but that doesn't mean you can't get close. It is the product photos that are intended to convey the product properties as faithfully as possible. Thanks to the possibility of using photomontage in catalogue images on Amazon, it is possible, for example, to present the structure of the fabric from which a garment is made in a very close-up, or to show all the available options in terms of colours, textures and other properties of a given product in a single photograph. It is important that such a photo is taken in a fully professional manner, so it is advisable to have it taken by a professional.  

Współzałożyciel. Specjalista ds. Marketingu i Reklamy
Ekonomista ze specjalizacją marketingu w biznesie oraz w handlu międzynarodowym. Współzałożyciel spółki Snapshot Studio. Na co dzień odpowiada za promocję i budowanie wizerunku firmy. W biznesie i w życiu kieruje się filozofią Kaizen. 

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