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Culinary photography - what to look for when taking food photos?

Culinary photography - has grown strongly in popularity recently. Aesthetically produced photos of food can no longer be found only on the menus of gastronomic restaurants or in cookbooks - but also on numerous culinary blogs, Fanpags and, increasingly, on Instagram.

What should we pay attention to in this case? 

Culinary photography step by step:
The most important aspect is undoubtedly the composition! Usually, the dish being photographed is placed in the centre of the photo, but the frame should also include the decorative elements and very often - the ingredients that were used during the preparation of the dish:

The main protagonist of the photo above is the casserole, but the ingredients and additional elements such as basil or dried chilli peppers in a bamboo bowl add to the appeal and the so-called complementary effect. The use of a wooden base and a checked fabric gives the whole thing a rural feel.

Just as important as the composition itself is the timing of the photo. Above all - time - plays a huge role in the case of dishes served hot. The photos should be taken immediately after preparation - in order to preserve the naturalness and the 'out of the oven' effect. A perfect example is the dish pictured below, where the melted cheese literally runs down the bun.

When photographing dishes, attention should also be paid to choosing the right lighting so that each element is adequately illuminated or shaded, depending on the effect we want to achieve in the final photo. If you are taking amateur photos - in the privacy of your home - it is best to use daylight. To soften the light, curtains can be used to diffuse the sun's rays. It is also worth trying extended exposure times for interesting effects.

Post-production for the more demanding. In food photography - for a perfect final photo, professional and advanced computer retouching is used - so-called post-production in graphic programmes such as Adobe Photoshop. Correcting imperfections, cleaning up dirt, refining depth and sharpness are just a few of the many procedures used in culinary photography. Below is a photograph of a cake, with advanced retouching performed.

At snapshot-studio.pl we carry out food photo shoots both in our specially equipped and prepared Photo Studio and directly at the client's place. It doesn't matter whether you run a small catering establishment, a restaurant or a patisserie - investment in culinary photography, always pays off! :) Contact us for an accurate quote and to arrange the details of your assignment. If you are interested in this post and would like to see our other projects - please visit our portfolio.
#Fotografia kulinarna#Zdjęcia jedzenia#Zdjęcia potraw#Zdjęcia do restauracji#Zdjęcia do menu#Fotograf kulinarny#Zdjęcia żywności
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Marcin / 2020-04-21
Nie powiem, pysznie to wygląda - aż by się chciało sięgnąć ręką do ekranu po ta zapiekankę - super! :)
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