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Business photography - why take care of your image and your brand?

Visuelle Elemente sind aus der Sicht des modernen Marketings sehr wichtig. Wir leben in einer Bildkultur. Soziale Medien und Websites sind vollgepackt mit Fotos aller Art, und wenn diese nicht vorhanden sind oder nicht von hoher Qualität sind, wird das Interesse an einem bestimmten Profil, einer Dienstleistung oder einem Produkt nicht groß sein.

Werbefotografie für Unternehmen

Fotografia biznesowa wizerunek Snapshot-studio Kraków

Customers looking for specific services or products on the Internet want to know who they are dealing with, colloquially speaking. Impersonal business cards or vague descriptions in the "About us" section are unlikely to encourage visitors to delve into the details of an offer. On the contrary, if such information is lacking, visitors to the site may become suspicious about whether the trader in question is trustworthy at all. If they are so reluctant to share information about themselves, they may simply have something to hide or not take their potential customers very seriously.

In addition to the text layer, which will contain a lot of useful and specific data, it is extremely important to take care of the visual side of the website. Business photography is an increasingly fast-growing field of photography that can be used in many ways. Large companies and corporations employing excellent professionals most often opt for image sessions. If you have such "stars" in your team, it is important to show them off. Nowadays, a professional photo in a suitably arranged space is a necessary complement to such a presentation. It is important that this is tailored to both the corporate image and culture of the company and the individual characteristics of the employee concerned. To this end, a detailed interview with the client should be arranged well in advance to discuss the concept of the photo shoot, including the choice of interiors, clothing and additional elements.

Professional photography in application documents

Fotografia korporacyjna aplikacja snapshot-studio Warszawa

A common mistake that appears in many application documents (including, surprisingly, for senior positions) is to include unprofessional photos. Unfortunately, it is the case that even the richest experience and superb competencies can go unnoticed by a recruiter's hands if the first thing he or she notices on a CV sent to you is a photo of you on holiday, wearing sunglasses, with a glass of wine or with the proverbial cat. Unfortunately, first impressions are very important, so whether or not you include a good, custom-made photo on your CV can make the difference between being invited for an interview. This is particularly important when applying for senior positions in corporations and large companies.

Business photography is a relatively inexpensive and yet very effective way to build a professional image, both corporate and personal.

Współzałożyciel. Specjalista ds. Marketingu i Reklamy
Ekonomista ze specjalizacją marketingu w biznesie oraz w handlu międzynarodowym. Współzałożyciel spółki Snapshot Studio. Na co dzień odpowiada za promocję i budowanie wizerunku firmy. W biznesie i w życiu kieruje się filozofią Kaizen. 

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